Title: Automating Directory Creation and Backups in Linux for DevOps Engineers

Title: Automating Directory Creation and Backups in Linux for DevOps Engineers


3 min read

In the world of DevOps, automation is key to streamlining tasks, improving efficiency, and ensuring the reliability of systems. In this blog post, we will cover two important tasks for DevOps engineers: dynamically creating directories with a shell script and automating backups using Cron and Crontab. Let's dive into each of these tasks.

## Task 1: Dynamically Creating Directories

As a DevOps engineer, you may often need to create directories dynamically, either for organizing files or as part of a larger automation process. Instead of manually creating each directory, you can use a shell script to do it for you.

### Shell Script: createDirectories.sh


$1 ,$2,$3 are method of taking during command line

We can also take input using “read” command

For loop is used as in c language format . we can use other formats as well like seq

‘do’ ,’done’ are replaced . they have same function as {} brackets

Save this script as createDirectories.sh and make it executable using chmod +x createDirectories.sh.

Now, you can create directories with a dynamic name and a specified range by running the script with three arguments. For example:


./createDirectories.sh day 1 90


This will create directories named day1, day2, day3, and so on, up to day90.

## Task 2: Automating Backups

Backup is a crucial aspect of DevOps, ensuring that your work and data are safe from accidental loss. To automate backups, we'll use Cron and Crontab, which are powerful scheduling tools in Linux.

### Understanding Cron and Crontab

Cron is a scheduler that allows you to run tasks at specified times or intervals. Crontab is a utility that lets you configure and manage cron jobs.

#### Cron Syntax

Cron jobs are defined using a syntax like this:


* command-to-be-executed

- - - - -

| | | | |

| | | | +----- Day of the week (0 - 7) (Sunday is 0 and 7)

| | | +------- Month (1 - 12)

| | +--------- Day of the month (1 - 31)

| +----------- Hour (0 - 23)

+------------- Minute (0 - 59)


### Automating Backups with Cron and Crontab

Here's an example of a script for automating backups and scheduling it with Cron:



Save this script as backup.sh and make it executable.

Now, let's schedule this backup script using Crontab. Open your Crontab configuration by running crontab -e and add the following line to run the backup script daily at midnight:


0 0 * /path/to/backup.sh


This configuration means the script will run at 12:00 AM every day. You can adjust the schedule to your needs using the cron syntax.

Let’s create a small project .

Cost Optimization: Develop scripts to monitor and control cloud resource costs, such as shutting down unused instances during non-business hours.

The main points for this project are:-

Step 1: Set Up AWS CLI and SDK

Step 2: Identify Resources to Manage

Step 3: Develop the Cost Optimization Script

Step 4: Schedule the Script

Step 5: Test and Monitor

I will discuss the full project in next post .. Stay tuned

## Conclusion

In this blog post, we've explored how to dynamically create directories with a shell script and automate backups using Cron and Crontab. These tasks are essential for any DevOps engineer looking to streamline processes and ensure the reliability and availability of systems and data. With the right tools and automation, you can simplify your workflow and focus on more critical tasks in your DevOps journey.